Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis

Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis

Even if you need to close due to health and safety concerns, there are ways to keep serving your jewelry customers during the coronavirus outbreak. Here is Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis.

Social distancing while good for public health, is bad for small businesses. Foot traffic has dropped steeply since the coronavirus outbreak as more and more customers stay home and self-quarantine.

Even if you need to close due to health and safety concerns, there are ways to keep serving your customers during the coronavirus outbreak.

5 Ways to Maintain Customers During COVID19

1. Communicate proactively with your customers

Communicate with your customers

The situation is evolving rapidly, and no one is quite sure what news each day will bring.

Customers can empathize with merchants facing a crisis, as long as you communicate with them properly.

Let your customers know if you’re closing your doors, changing your hours, and what steps you’re taking. This will help you keep employees and the work environment safe and clean.

If your store is closing, notify your customers on your social media channels, through email, and on your website.

Beyond letting customers know the logistics of your approach, give them ways to stay connected. Customers spending more time at home will still want to search for beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Direct consumers to your store, take orders over social media, and be prepared for more people to view your website than in previous months.

2. Promote your gift cards

Promoting your gift cards

Gift cards provide you with an immediate infusion of cash and guarantee that a customer will return to your business in the future.

At restaurants, where margins are already notoriously thin, gift cards can help you stay afloat until the crisis passes. It provides an easy way to keep cash flow moving.

Offer an e-gift card program to reduce the risk of human contact, or work with a third-party delivery partner like Uber Eats to accept their gift cards at your location.

3. Hold an event online

Holding an event online

For some merchants, the biggest pain point has come from canceled events.

Recognize that most consumers are craving trends while being quarantined at home.

This is where Facebook Live or Instagram Live can come in handy.

If you had a jewelry store opening, product launch, planned events, move it to one of the live streaming social media channels.

It’s a great way to keep your customers engaged and build goodwill, as well as to sell your jewelry products.

Offer a special discount code to people who stream your live event, or create an “exclusive” behind the scenes of handmade jewelry to offer to customers on your email list.

Get creative with how you can make customers still feel invested in your brand jewelry and engaged with your content from a distance.

4. Stream or video chat your services

Stream or video chat your services

Go digital with your services to provide access to your customers who are sitting at home and could support your business.

Tutors, personal trainers, and even therapists are making themselves available virtually.

Use a free tool like Google Hangouts, Skype, or Zoom to offer your services remotely.

Consider starting a Vimeo channel that allows customers to pay for videos with commonly requested information. Vimeo uses a paywall to give customers access to your content for a fee.

For instance, jewelry designers can post a video showing how to do in-home for customers who want to create their own designs.

You may not be able to charge as much as your regular services, but it at least helps with cash flow in the meantime.

5. Use discounts to your advantage

Now is a good time to entice long-term purchases with discounts on some of your selective jewelry products.

If it aligns with your business model, encourage customers to lock in a one-year membership now at a cheaper rate.

Also, businesses can offer a discount for memberships starting after the virus has passed.

In your jewelry retail store, consider offering free or discounted shipping for online orders.

Despite the crisis, maintain your business with these ways to retain your customers. Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis

P.S. Royi Sal Jewelry, as a decades-long leader in silver jewelry design and manufacturing, invites you to download our latest magazine here and profit from the exceptional jewelry designs at affordable prices you will find in the magazine. Click here to download it now.


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