When you are deciding which stud earring designs to add to your collection, do you ever consider the type of backings to be used? A common question a lot of people have is “Which is the best type of earring backing?”, to which the answer is that there are definitely more secure types than others.
yellow gold
Facts on Understanding Jewelry Colors
In the world of fakes and replicas, how can an everyday person understand the difference between tens of different jewelry metals and alloys? Like this limited edition gold-wrapped Kitkat bar, which is nothing more than a regular KitKat bar inside, different jewelry alloys can make a big difference to the result. Here are Facts on […]
Recent Jewelry and Metal Trends
Like all trends, metal trends come and go and often move in cycles when tracked over a significant period. There are many different factors which can affect what is popular at any one time. However, the bottom line remains – what products are selling best, and that always makes for interesting reading.